Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Training Tips from Pre

The Training Philosophy of Steve Prefontaine. So simple... it just might work!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Viva Las Vegas - Day Three

Interbike - Day Three

By Day:
Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, just west of town. 

By Night:
Binions Steakhouse, one the best kept secrets in Las Vegas... a trip back to Glitter Gulch's "glamorous" past.

Viva Las Vegas - Day Two

Interbike - Day Two
The Show - Mandalay Bay Convention Center

Groupies gather at the USA Cycling booth to snap photos of photos of Walt Axthelm, Durango's very own Masters Living Legend.

After a long day on a noisy Show floor, it's time to pick your preferred form of pain relief.

Viva Las Vegas - Day One

Interbike - Day One
Mt. Charleston -11,916 feet
Prominence - 8,241 feet (above beautiful Pahrump, Nevada)

Home to extensive forests of Bristlecone Pine,
and quite ancient ones as you approach timberline.

And some Aspen in a former burn area.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dutch Treats

Another interesting Multimodal/Complete Streets idea from the bicycle-loving Netherlands!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Can You Count?

Every other year (currently odd years), in accordance with the National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project, the City of Durango performs counts of bicycle riders and pedestrians. One of the greatest challenges facing the bicycle and pedestrian field is the lack of documentation on usage and demand. Without accurate and consistent demand and usage figures, it is difficult to measure the positive benefits of investments in these modes, especially when compared to the other transportation modes such as the private automobile. An answer to this need for data is the National Bicycle & Pedestrian Documentation Project, co-sponsored by and Alta Planning and Design and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Pedestrian and Bicycle Council. This nationwide effort provides a consistent model of data collection and ongoing data for use by planners, governments, and bicycle and pedestrian professionals. Having accurate data helps the City of Durango to know how our infrastructure is being used and is necessary to secure grant funding for projects such as sidewalk repair, bicycle facilities, and transit system improvements.

The Multi Modal Division of the City of Durango conducts these counts in the fall of every odd year. The dates used are those suggested by the National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project. There is generally a series of three different days on which the counts are to be performed. On each day there are two shifts of two hours each. For the sake of consistency, the same 9 locations throughout city limits are used every year that the counts are performed.

To conserve costs and encourage citizen participation, volunteers are recruited to conduct the actual counting. With three days of counting and two shifts on each day at nine different locations, there is a total of 54 slots to fill.

For more information or assistance signing up, please contact Wade Moore at wade.moore@durangogov.org or (970) 375-4952.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Stories From Camp

Click the Image to Read More Easily.

Thank you to Ann Camp for sharing her story.

Excellent Friday Time Waster

100 Years of TDF Bikes
Le blog de velosvintage.over-blog.com100ème Tour de France, 100 vélos, 100 champions...

Le Tour de France 2013 fêtera sa 100ème édition. Pour commémorer la plus grande épreuve cycliste au monde, je vais vous présenter cent bicyclettes et leurs champions qui ont marqué l'histoire de la grande boucle.

The link to this blog was sent to me by longtime cycling and cycling industry veteran, Tom Hoefer, with the subject line of "Friday Time Waster". He couldn't have been more correct. I'd note that there are also nice photos of the bicycle's respective rider and racing jersey. Here's just one year to whet your appetite.

Peugeot-Wolber 1912, Marcel BUYSSE (B), 3 participations

Friday, June 7, 2013

Ska Brewing Jerseys

Fun new jersey designs from the creative Durango brewmeisters at Ska Brewing. Or as they say of themselves, "It Takes Characters to Brew Beer with Character". Now available at their brewery in Durango or boure.com.

Modus Hoperandi

Autumnal Molé Stout